Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Poor System

There are women who know these risks that the last two posts talked about, but they are with a Dr. who doesn't "allow" VBAC. Or, they are with a hospital that doesn't "allow" vbac. Austin's VBAC rate is 1%. Very low, and not enough, to me, to feel like I would have success in a hospital birthing. Some moms have then become pushed into a corner for homebirth. Personally, yes, this did influence my decision to HB. Also, I believe birth is an event our womanly bodies were designed for, and yes, there are things that can come up, and most of those can be solved by simply manuevers that a MW can perform. When it is out of her scope of practice, she has the means to stop the complication (like bleeding after birth)to give enough time to get to a hospital to receive medical help. Studies show, it's just as safe, if not safer than hospital birth. I personally didn't care for the stay I had in the hospital, it was weird, awkward, dirty, impersonal, rude, and something I don't think a new mom should have to go through or take her new baby through.

One woman at the conference said, with my first I was induced, it failed, I never dilated because my body was not ready for labor. I ended up with a c/s with my son. With my second pregnancy, the only thing I was told was at your 28 week appointment, make sure you schedule your c/s. I did, and we had a c/s. Now, with my third I am learning so much more. My Dr. put in my medical records that it was an "elective repeat cesarean section" (ERCS). I didn't "elect" to do it, I had no other option presented to me. There are 6 hospitals in my area and 1 birthing center. 3 of the hospitals and the birthing center have "banns" on VBACs, they don't "allow" them. The other two hospitals, that the closest is 2 hrs away, have a VBAC rate of 0.2%. So, yes, they do "allow" them, but my chances of birthing there successfully are almost nothing. If I have to, I'll homebirth, it's not the route I want to go, but I have no other choice.

This is so sad to me. First, women are induced, usually without medical reasons. I say this because when studied, induction IS NEEDED about 10% of the time due to health reasons. In Austin, for example, induction happens about 70% of the time. Elective inductions. And just to let you know, ACOG says DON'T DO THESE. They are too dangerous for mom and baby. You have to have true medical reasons for ending the pregnancy, like pre-eclapsia, severe gestational diabetes, baby life in threat or mom's life in threat. Just because your Dr. offers it, doesn't mean it is safe or recommended. This should be your first warning sign if your OB doesn't follow ACOG recommendations here.
Second, she was never told of VBAC. Simply told to schedule her CS. And then it was put down as "elective". Again, ACOG says to encourage VBAC in any mom with 1 low incision. Again, another sign if your Dr. doesn't promote VBAC, to get a new Dr.
Third, she now has just about no option but to HB if she wants a safer birth. VBAC compared to ERCS for the third time, is a hands down, safer route, especially if you want more kids. I think HB is a personally choice, and one should be very educated in choosing a caregiver that matches what they need and a support system that provides what they need. I don't think anyone should be backed into a corner and given HBAC (home birth after cesarean) as the only option. Sadly, this is what most women are faced with when they find out the facts of VBAC vs ERCS.

What is wrong with our society? There are seriously people who feel that c/s is safer than vaginal birth. They are few and far between, but most now feel that c/s is just as safe as vaginal birth. How arrogant of us humans to think we know how to do something better or as good as God designed the human body. Seriously, I think he knew what he was doing when he made us, and more importantly, there is a reason he did everything the way he did. Scientists, Doctors, Researchers are now finding out that labor is GOOD for the baby and for mom. Labor prepares the baby's lungs to breathe and pushes out the fluid in the lungs to air can come in at birth. The hormones that go one in labor get to the mom and baby, and have a dramatic effect on mom and baby bonding, which in turn, has effect on breastfeeding, postpartum mood disorders, both with mom and baby. Again, it's not a zipper that you can simply open and close with no risk to both parties.

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